
Two-part Self-smoothing Compound

Technical Data
  • A fast-hardening two-part (powder and liquid) self-smoothing compound suitable for laying on absorbent and non-absorbent substrates to prepare floor surfaces for installing ceramics, natural stone, sheet and soft furnishing in dry or wet interior and exterior enviornments. Recommended for heavily-trafficked areas and exterior floors it can be laid at bed depths from a feather edge up to 10mmm and from 10mm to 20mm with the addition of 3mm granite chippings.

    Specifiers should consider BAL Acrybase for domestic or commercial projects where floors require levelling before overlaid with tiles, natural stone or soft furnishings. Acrybase is suitable for levelling most backgrounds including asphalt, existing ceramics and natural stone, overlaid uneven timber floors (for soft flooring only) and if primed first, concrete, cement:sand and calcium sulphate screeds. As a high performance product, it is also perfect on key installations such as underfloor heating, and both domestic and commercial installations.

  • USE FOR:

    • preparing floors for tiling
    • most substrates
    • dry/wet – interior/exterior

    MAY BE TILED AFTER: 4 hours

    COLOUR: Grey

    TYPICAL COVERAGE (per pack):
    with THICKNESS: 3mm
    SIZE: 23.5kg 5.0m²
    + 5 litre liquid