BAL Bedding Mortar

Pre-blended cement and graded fillers to provide a mortar bed

Technical Data
  • BAL Bedding Mortar is a special cement with graded fillers for producing a high performance mortar bed for external use, allowing external pavers and tiles to be fixed to the requirements of BS 7533-4. Bed depth can be achieved from 10mm up to 100mm thickness (minimum 25mm on MOT Type 1).

    A simple pre-blended bedding mortar mix – easy to use for commercial installations. Mixes quickly on-site with water. Lay up to 100mm in a single application with more than 1 hour working time. Mortar is walkable in 12 hours after the application on stone, 20mm porcelain or pavers. Freeze/thaw resistant. Suitable on both bonded and unbonded backgrounds including concrete and Type 1 MOT.

    Use with BAL Priming Slurry Bond 


  • USE FOR:

    • External Dry or Wet Applications
    • Laying a mortar bed before fixing external pavers and
    • Bed depth from 10mm (Min 25mm on MOT Type 1) up
      to 100mm thickness
    • Domestic or commercial use.


    SIZE: 25kg

    TYPICAL COVERAGE (per pack):
    with THICKNESS: 10mm
    SIZE: 25kg 1.25m²